He said: "Once I bought the car I had the hydraulics done so it can go up and down and side to side. The paint-work was looking a bit shabby, though. I decided I would try and get some local artists to cover it in graffiti."
Mr Dursley said he wanted to get as much from as many different artists as possible and in the end three came together to collaborate on the design.
He said: "I had half done last year and then a couple of months ago I wanted to get the rest done.
"I got in touch with Dan who did the angel on the back, I'd already seen an angel of his somewhere else so I knew I wanted that.
"Then I got two other artists, Sepr and 3rd Eye, to do the rest. It would have cost £1,000s to get the body work done but this is much better and not what anyone expects.
"I've always loved graffiti and this way the council can't scrub it out."